Do you have a passion for the game of golf? Do you want to help others get more enjoyment from the game?
If you answered “Yes & Yes” you might want to learn how to become a golf coach.
There are many reasons people get into coaching. Get your kids hooked on the game, lead a local team, or help others improve their golf swing.
Learning how to become a golf coach isn’t as hard as you might think. There are programs available to help you gain the necessary skills.
The hardest part might be deciding the type of golf coach you want to become. Do you want to help juniors learn the game or help seniors extend their golf careers?
We can help you decide. Below we explore the different types of golf coaches and what is required to complete the journey.
Let’s get started learning how to become a golf coach!

How To Become A Golf Coach – A Complete Guide
We have identified 5 different types of golf coaches. They all require different skills, have different requirements, and offer different benefits.
#1: How To Become A Golf Coach: Swing Coach
What Is A Golf Swing Coach?
When you think about learning how to become a golf coach this is probably what you have in mind.
A golf swing coach is someone that gives lessons and tries to help players better golf.
All levels of players use golf swing coaches. PGA tour players have swing coaches and players trying to “break 100” use swing coaches.
Typically golfers pay for an hour lesson and the swing coach gives them drills and tips to improve their game. You can find individual or group lessons.
What Is Required To Become A Golf Swing Coach?
Most golf swing coaches are certified to teach the game. In fact, most are PGA members and have spent years training to teach golf.
You don’t learn how to become a golf coach overnight. In fact, the PGA certification program typically takes between 4-8 years.
Wow, 4-8 years is a long time! Can you become a golf swing coach without being certified? Technically, yes, but it will be hard to get students if you aren’t certified.
Being a golf swing coach isn’t a hobby. It is a career.
What Are The Benefits Of Being A Golf Swing Coach?
You learn how the golf swing works and how to teach others to play the game. As we mentioned above, this is a career, so you should get paid by your students for lessons.
You get to spend time on the golf course or driving range helping others play the game you love.
If you pursue this career, you will need to market yourself and build a student list. It might help to determine your niche in this crowded market.
Do you want to teach scratch golfers or beginners? Do you want to have fun with kids or work with serious players?
You can do a bit of everything or you can specialize in one area. Most successful golf swing coaches tend to focus on one or two types of players.

#2: How To Become A Golf Coach: PGA Jr. League
What Is A PGA Jr. League Golf Coach?
A PGA Jr. League golf coach is on the opposite end of the spectrum from a swing coach. It is a volunteer position designed to help you grow the game through young players.
PGA Jr. League is a program that was built to help kids learn the game of golf in a team environment.
It is designed to feel like other youth sports. You play on a team with your friends, you wear matching jerseys, and players of all abilities can be part of the fun.
Similar to baseball or basketball, each team has a coach. As a PGA Jr. golf coach, you run practices, set the lineup for matches, and provide support for your players.
If you are interested in learning how to become a golf coach because you want to help kids get more involved, this might be the role for you.
What Is Required To Be A PGA Jr. Golf Coach?
It is pretty simple. You need to be good at communicating with parents and their children. You need to have a positive attitude.
You will have a mix of talent. The ages for this program vary from 7-13 years old. You might need some patience with the younger kids.
Basic knowledge of golf helps, but the goal of this program is fun. Help your team have a good time and you will succeed as a PGA Jr. golf coach.
What Are The Benefits Of Being A PGA Jr. Golf Coach?
You are giving the gift of golf to kids that can enjoy the game for the rest of their life.
Who knows, you might get the next Tiger Woods started on their path to the PGA Tour. This is all about growing the game and letting young players have fun.
Regardless if your team wins or loses you will have a blast!

#3: How To Become A golf Coach: High School Golf Coach
What Is A High School Golf Coach?
Public and private high schools have golf teams. Most teams are co-ed, but some have separate boys’ and girls’ teams.
The high school golf coach facilitates team practices, schedules matches against other schools and determines the starting lineup.
Frequently, the high school golf coach has to raise funds to support the team and provide transportation to the matches (drive a van or bus).
What Is Required To Be A High School Golf Coach?
Most of the time you need to be a school employee (teacher, administrator, etc.). An understanding of golf is helpful, but not always required.
The most important skills are the ability to communicate with players and parents & manage the logistics of your season.
What Are The Benefits Of Being A High School Golf Coach?
You don’t learn how to become a golf coach for your local high school for the money! This is a part-time job that comes with little or no pay.
You accept the role of high school golf coach because you enjoy helping the players and it is fun to compete against the other schools in your area.
You can play golf with your team during practice and you will build relationships that last for years.
Once you are a high school golf coach you will always have someone to play with on the weekends.

#4: How To Become A golf Coach – Fitness
What Is A Fitness Golf Coach?
Tiger Woods is often credited with bringing fitness to the world of golf. What he started has turned into a business.
A fitness golf coach designs strength and flexibility exercise programs to help golfers improve their golf game.
Getting stronger can help golfers avoid injuries and hit the golf ball farther.
As a fitness golf coach, you assess a person’s physical limitations and design a program to help them get better.
What Is Required To Be A Fitness Golf Coach?
You need a background in physical therapy or athletic training. It also helps if you have a gym/space for your students to work out.
To help you attract students, you should get certified in golf-specific programs. The largest is TPI (Titleist Performance Institute).
What Are The Benefits Of Being A Fitness Golf Coach?
This can be or augment your career. If you are an athletic trainer, this is a great way to grow your business and client list.
Learn how to become a golf coach and you can market to golfers of all ages.
Golf-specific training is great for players just getting started or for players that want to maintain their game as they age.
Attract new business while you help people play better golf!

#5: How To Become A Golf Coach – College Golf Coach
What Is A College Golf Coach?
Unlike a high school golf coach, a college coach is typically a full-time job.
The biggest challenge for college golf coaches is the recruiting process. If you want to succeed, you need to convince talented junior players to come to your school.
In some situations, you can offer the player’s a scholarship, but other times you must convince them based on the school and your golf facilities.
You have to build a team before you can coach it. Once you have your players, you have to determine your starting lineup.
What Is Required to Be A College Golf Coach?
You need to be able to communicate and work with college-age players. You need to have a deep understanding of golf.
College golf players will already know how to play the game, but the best college golf coaches can also help them improve.
Ideally, you can help your players with their golf swing, course management, and mental game.
If you want to learn how to become a golf coach to compete, college golf should be the goal.
Getting this job won’t be easy. You might need to start by being an assistant coach or start in a small college program.
What Are The Benefits Of Being A College Golf Coach?
Being a college golf coach can be a career, but it will take you time to get there.
Getting to teach some of the best young players and watching them compete is a thrill. You can truly help a golfer progress toward the professional tour.
Learning how to become a golf coach will take time, but if you have the passion you can make it happen!