Pulling Golf Shots Left? 9 Causes + How To Fix It Quick

Do you ever step onto the golf course and see your shots veer off to the left when you want them to go straight? It can be pretty frustrating.

When you hear the term “golf pulled shots,” what’s the first thing that comes to mind? 

Pulling shots in golf means that when you hit the ball, it doesn’t go straight but instead curves off to the left (for right-handed golfers). 

When your golf shots start pulling left, your ability to hit the target accurately takes a big hit. It’s like trying to shoot an arrow at a bullseye but missing the mark. 

If you’re wondering, “Why am I pulling the ball to the left?” you’re not alone. It’s a common issue, and the good news is that it’s fixable. 

That’s why we’re here to tell you the nine causes of pulling golf shots left.

In this article, we will explore the following;

  • Cause #1: Grip
  • Cause #2: Alignment
  • Cause #3: Swing Path
  • Cause #4: Controlling the Clubface
  • Cause #5: Weight Distribution
  • Cause #6: Mental Conditioning
  • Cause #7: Choosing the Right Club
  • Cause #8: Swing Speed
  • Cause #9: Body Rotation
Pulling Golf Shots Left? 9 Causes (+ How To Fix It Quick)

The Nine Common Causes of Pulling Golf Shots Left

Man gripping golf club.

When it comes to golf, one of the most important aspects is how you hold the club. Your grip, or the way you grasp the club with your hands, determines the trajectory of your shots. 

Think of it as a handshake with your club; gripping too tightly is like a bone-crushing handshake, while a feeble grip resembles a limp handshake.

Neither extreme is ideal; you’re aiming for that perfect middle ground.

Here’s the trick: If you’re a right-handed golfer, avoid excessively turning your hands to the right (known as a strong grip) or to the left (referred to as a weak grip). Instead, aim for a grip that finds the sweet spot in between. 

Achieving the right grip helps maintain a straight clubface at impact, which, in turn, ensures your ball goes precisely where you want it to land.

Man swinging golf club.

Imagine you’re shooting an arrow at a target. To hit the bullseye, you need to aim straight at it, right? Well, the same goes for golf. If you’re not pointing in the right direction, your shots won’t go where you want them to.

Here’s the deal: Your feet, hips, and shoulders need to be like train tracks—they should run parallel to the target line. 

Think of the target line as the train track, and your body is like the train. If the train goes even a little crooked, it’ll derail, and your shots will go off track, too. 

So, take your time when you set up your shot to make sure you’re aiming straight.

Girl swinging golf club, hitting the ball.

Imagine your golf club is like a race car on a track. To make sure the race car goes where you want it to, you need to follow the right route or path. If the car veers off the track, it won’t win the race. 

In golf, it’s similar. Your swing path, or the path your club takes when you swing, can make or break your shot.

Here’s the thing: If your clubhead moves from outside the target line and sweeps across the ball, it’s like a race car taking an unexpected detour. This deviation is a primary cause of shots veering left. 

The solution? Visualize your club’s path originating from inside the ball and extending outward, akin to a race car hugging the ideal track. 

With practice, this adjustment can help you guide your shots precisely where you want them to go.

Clubface near golf ball.

Think of your golf clubface as the steering wheel of your golf shot. If it’s not straight when you hit the ball, your shot will go off course. 

Keeping the clubface square, or straight, with the target is super important.

Picture this: If your clubface is closed, like a book, when you hit the ball, it’ll make the ball go left. To avoid this, work on keeping the clubface square with the target. 

You can use tools like mirrors or guides to help you. When you get the clubface right, your shots will head where you want them to.

Man adjusting golf ball.

Golf is a bit like dancing. Imagine dancing with all your weight on your back foot; you’d lose your balance, right? Well, the same goes for golf. 

If most of your weight stays on your back foot during your swing, it can mess up your shots and make them go left.

Here’s the trick: Make sure your weight smoothly shifts to your front foot as you finish your swing. 

It’s like transferring your weight from one foot to the other while dancing. This adjustment helps you hit the ball straighter and stay balanced on the golf course.

Man and woman smiling while holding golf clubs.

Sometimes, golf is not just about the swing; it’s about your state of mind. Imagine trying to paint a picture when you’re feeling nervous or tense; your brush strokes wouldn’t be smooth, right? 

In golf, being anxious or tense can mess up your shots, too.

Here’s the deal: Take a deep breath, relax, and think of your swing as a smooth and graceful dance. Imagine you’re on the dance floor, and your swing is the dance. 

Confidence in your practice and abilities can make a world of difference. Stay calm, and your shots will follow suit.

Selection of golf clubs

When it comes to golf, your choice of club is akin to a craftsman selecting the perfect tool for a specific job. Imagine you’re faced with a DIY project – you wouldn’t use a hammer to tighten a screw, would you? 

Similarly, picking the right club for the task is important in golf to avoid those troublesome left-pulling shots.

Here’s a helpful tip: Take a moment to assess the yardage you need to cover and the challenges between you and the green. Each club in your bag has a unique loft and distance potential. 

So, consider these factors carefully when making your choice. It’s like selecting a precise tool from your toolbox – you wouldn’t use a wrench when a screwdriver is what’s needed. 

By matching the right club to the situation, you can significantly improve your chances of hitting accurate shots.

Man swinging golf club before hitting the ball.

In golf, your swing speed is the conductor of your shot’s symphony. Just as a musician must find the right rhythm and tempo, so too must you discover your optimal swing speed. 

Swing too fast, and your shots may veer off to the left; swing too slowly, and the same result can happen.

Here’s the solution for that: Finding your swing tempo is like discovering the beat of a song. It’s about establishing a consistent and smooth rhythm that suits your game. This is crucial for maintaining control and accuracy in your shots. 

Experiment with different swing speeds during your practice sessions to identify the most natural and effective for you. 

With the right tempo, you can reduce those left-pulling shots and enjoy a more precise and satisfying golf game.

Woman twisting her body and hitting the ball.

Insufficient hip rotation can lead to pulled golf shots. To prevent this, focus on actively involving your hips in your swing. Imagine your hips as the engine of your swing. 

When they don’t contribute enough, your upper body takes over, causing your shots to veer left. 

To correct this: In the backswing, rotate your hips away from the target to store energy. Then, start your downswing by leading with your hips for a smooth transition. 

Lastly, keep your hips facing the target during the follow-through for added power and accuracy.

Practice hip engagement with drills emphasizing hip rotation. Yoga and stretches can also improve hip mobility, improving your swing. By involving your hips, you’ll straighten your shots and enhance your shots.

Key Takeaways

Improving your golf game and fixing those pesky left-pulling shots means getting the basics right. 

Start by finding that perfect grip – not too strong or weak – to keep the clubface straight when you hit the ball. And don’t forget, your body should run parallel to your target, or else your shots might go off course. 

Visualize your swing path from inside the ball going out – that’ll help you steer your shots where you want them. 

Keep that clubface square with the target to avoid those annoying leftward curves. And remember to shift your weight smoothly onto your front foot during your swing to stay balanced.

In golf, staying relaxed and confident is a big deal, so treat your swing like a graceful dance. Don’t grab any old club; choose the right one for the job based on distance and challenges ahead. 

Find your swing tempo and stick with it for control.

Lastly, let your hips join the swing party for added power and accuracy. By working on these, you’ll straighten out those shots and enjoy your golf game without hassle.

Share your thoughts about this, and let us know your favorite golf tips!

Photo of author
Jomar is the rookie in the Golf Guidebook team: after taking up golf in 2020, he cannot deny the fact that golf is indeed the best game mankind has created (and the best sport he has played). Not only does this foster unrivalled discipline and composed competitiveness, but it also helps forge meaningful connections and friendships. Jomar plays a round of golf with friends every weekend at his local country club, Pueblo de Oro Golf Estates, but plans to join amateur tournaments soon once he breaks 90.

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